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Wednesday 12 January 2011

SW Craft Club Christmas Presents - Present 1 Curious Choc-Chip Cookie Mix

With the recession still looming and a huge craft resurgence in the UK I decided back in September that my nearest and dearest were going to receive hand made presents for Christmas this year from yours truly. However having made fudge for my family last year, I felt that this year I really needed to up my game. One small token of my love for them wasn’t going to be enough, Nooo I had to create multiple gifts, three in fact. Why three? Two answers, one to give the recipients a little hamper trio of homemade goodies and secondly, stupidity! The work that’s involved in making these gifts was immense, evenings and weekends, I did enjoy it, but it was a lot of hard work.

Curious Choc-Chip Cookie Mix

The first gift I created was the jar of Curious Choc-Chip Cookie mix.

900g glass jar
Printed labels
Plain flour
Caster sugar
Brown sugar
Pinch of salt
Bicarbonate of sofa

 The cookie mix in a jar is a very simple and effective gift and as someone pointed out to me on Christmas day, “Wow this is fab, for those who don’t know how to bake or cook, all of the ingredients are ready and good to go’

Layering the ingredients clearly shows what is in the jar and it is important to compress the ingredients into the jar so they stay put and don’t mix into one big sandy mix! By trial and error and this is my most valuable piece of advice, the smarties should be the last thing put into the jar, because you don’t want the sugar or flour to be poured over the smarties and to cover them all up.

Empy jars, labled up

Seperating smarties into my colour coordination

Being a lover of colour coordination, I spent many a nights separating the smarties into groups of 2 colours, i.e. pink and purple, orange and brown, red and green and finally yellow and blue, maybe this was a little over the top, but at the time I thought it was worth it and after they did look very fetching.

The labels for all three gifts were personalised and for the jar, we printed back labels with the cooking instructions.

Finally the finished article

This is the first of the SW Craft Club home made presents, check out tomorrow’s blog to find out more about gift number 2..

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