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Monday 13 February 2012

Valentines Tutorial – Part 2 The Gift

I’d like to say that this gift idea was mine, but i was actually inspired by another blog and I’ve now made my version to hopefully inspire you. Like the part 1 Valentines tutorial this isn’t just for valentines it can be used for any occasion and you can customise it in any way.


Second-hand picture (the bigger the better)
Spray paint – for the frame
Paint colour charts
Glue – ideally spray mount and pric stick
Masking tape

This was a really fun project to do, the best part was picking what colours and shades I was going to use – Tip: you may need to visit a couple of shops to steal the colour charts and fill up your boots, I used a lots and often changed my mind about which shade to use!

Start by selecting your shades and cutting up the colours
After cutting up the colours needed, arrange them on to  the image you are replacing or the backboard of the frame, you could mix up the colours, select them to go from light to dark (like mine) or just have lots of shades of the same colour.

When you are happy with the layout start to stick the shades with spray mount: Tip - This stray needs lots of ventilation and is ultra sticky. I've suggest removing the colours as you had placed them, cover the board with spray mount and then quickly stick onto the board.
Whilst the colours are drying on the board, spray your  frame. When I brought mine (From a charity shop at the top of Brixton Hill) it had an ugly black and gold frame, so I sprayed it white.

Picking the words to go on there should be easy, keep it short and sweet and will look really effective. I stuck the letters with pric stick (Spray mount is far too sticky).
When the frame, letters and colours have dried, put the frame back together and use the masking tape to hold the back of the frame in place.
Finished - An original piece of art work, hopefully for a happy recipient. 

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